Even blogs with their own domain are deleted, so what exactly is the result of this removal? Are blogs that are indicative of spam that will be removed by bloggers? So what is the basis of scoring a blog has entered the category of spam so it was removed by Google...?
From several sources including Mas Abu Kholid who is the admin of ittaqi-tafuzi.blogspot.com, I get a lot of input about the reasons for the removal made by Google. I tried to summarize it in the bullet points below.
12 reasons Google Removes a Blog
Reasons #1 Google Remove blogs for doing affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing is a system where you get paid if an item or service from an affiliate network is sold by you. A lot of bloggers are trying to affiliate online businesses like this. Unfortunately, this violates the basic rules of Google if the link given is DoFollow.Is there a way to still do affiliate marketing? It seems there is because I've read a statement from Google's own party, that they wouldn't mind the Affiliate business as long as the link of this affiliate marketing blog is nofollow and instead of DoFollow. So just try changing the nature of the link for prevention.
Reasons #2 Google Delete a Blog if transferring traffic to another Website/Blog
This transfer of traffic can be done with a meta refresh, and Google considers this to be "charging " blog visitors. So you should be careful to use various switching techniques because you can-can be considered cheating.A secure redirect method is a permanent redirect 301. Unfortunately, the method of 301 can not be applied among the Blogspot let alone to other websites... It can only be between pages only.
Reasons #3 Google will remove a Blog that installs adult content paid ads
Mid-2013 this Google increasingly emphatically with blogs that display adult content, already many cases of blogs are deleted just because it advertises content 18 years and above. I myself do not know if only the pornographic material is meant, or a husband's product is also included if the Bannernya displays pornography.Reasons #4 Blog deleted if using scripts to create content and not to hand
Nowadays more and more blogs with automatic content, whose quality is very low. Google considers these low-quality pages can affect the search results presented to the searchers, so it is deemed necessary to restrict automated blogs like this...In addition to reducing the quality of search results, blogs like this pose duplicate content, so sometimes within a single page there are 2-3 actual results containing exactly the same material.
Reasons #5 Google Remove a Blog that references a Hacking account or Password spread
As we know that more and more blogs that contain materials containing passwords or how to hack accounts on premium sites that can only be accessed by those who pay. Google is also trying to combat things like this because it respects the intellectual rights of other website systems makers.Reasons #6 Google Remove a Blog that deploys the method of using copyrighted Software
The same reason with point 5 above is to respect the intellectual rights of others. If friends do not understand the above language, then we simplify PIRACY.Google really does not support any piracy activities within its products, as it is directly related to the corporate responsibility in the American legal system there. So if you want to make a blog containing pirated stuff..... Do not use Blogspot, because if met can be removed...
Reasons #7 Google Delete a Blog with referral activity (people Search)
Well, it gets PAID TO program.... or MLM, or project to find instant money, PTC, PTS, etc. do not get support from Google. Commercial referral blogs Like this should use a platform other than Blogspot because the blogger TOS does not approve content like this...Reasons #8 Bloggers Remove blogs that tap content from other websites or blogs
This means it is an automated content blog too. But published content is not sourced from the script, but intercepted the RSS feeds from other blogs. We commonly call it Autoblog. Whether the content is copyrighted or not, still Google does not tolerate blogs like this.
Reasons #9 Google Remove a Blog that infringes copyright
Copyright here is not just an article. Images, videos, software, audio, etc. distributed through the blog without the permission of the copyright owner at risk of obtaining a complaint that if accepted by the Google DMCA takedown will result in deletion.
Reasons #10 great blogs with unfocused and unrelated mixed content
This one is completely new to me in breaking the TOS because nowadays many blog news-themed blogs have a very diverse label. In the last few years, Blogger doesn't seem to mind with blogs like this. But after these blogs are becoming great, one by one this blog is removed. The biggest Blogspot Gado-Gado is exposed to the blogger's sweep terselubung.blogspot.com with Alexa rank 15,000-an.....
The big traffic and positive signal visitors don't seem to affect Google's decision, because very few of these blog mixes are back online... This is actually the most surprising reason for me from all the other reasons... Maybe I still have to look for further explanation on why Google does not approve blogs like this.
Reasons #11 Google Remove Blog-Illegal blogs Download, Streaming and Torrents
It feels like I no longer need to explain this one point at length because friends must already know what is meant by illegal downloading, streaming and torrents of this. So if a brother's blog has content like this it's good to set up first before Google is in order... But if all the content like that, yes what can make..... Wish just escaped the...
Reasons #12 Google removes blogs that are looking for money from adult content
If your blog is currently making money from adult content, then you should be wary of using Blogspot, because Google will delete these blogs if you find them. Google mentions blogs like this as a spam blog...
So here are 12 reasons Google removes a blog with the Blogspot platform... The problem is the sheer number of issues circulating that blog over-optimization that is struck by Google's algorithm penguin will also bear fruit removal. If this issue is true, then this TMS blog will get into the list at risk since in April it had experimented on this one...
Another factor that can also be added is SEO CONTEST. Basically, this SEO contest is really breaking the TOS from Google, where many people put up a link to a site because of the thought of money and not the quality of that site.
Google's own party already stated that this SEO contest is pursuing a keyword that there is indeed a search so that it could affect the quality of searches and Google disagree with such things. Mid-July yesterday, quite a lot of blogs SEO contest is deleted and it becomes a good signal for the Blogspot users who hooked join the contest...