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Quoting from the Healthline page on Monday (25/1/2020), the disease Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is a disease caused by the Coronavirus which included as one type of pneumonia disease first discovered in China in November 2002.
The World Health Organization or the WHO mentions the Corona Virus has infected hundreds of people since known to invade Wuhan, China.
Unknown, Corona Virus that spread from animal to human is now has a new name of Coronavirus Novel (2019-nCoV). Until now, the fatalities can not be confirmed in the Coronavirus attack on humans.
Coronavirus or Corona Virus has lethal power that can change as the widespread virus attack. Therefore, the World Health Organization or the WHO has been giving guidance and suggesting that the country is ready to face virus attacks.
While the data recorded by the World Health or the WHO, the most sufferer is adults over 65 years and people who suffer from chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disorders, and low immunity will be more prone to SARS, even can be exposed to severe complications to death. By that, you need to know coronavirus or coronavirus with symptoms or signs of infected people of the virus complained of sufferers such as:
Fever above 38 degrees Celsius, followed by a late
Body shaking
Muscle aches
Cough not with phlegm
Sore throat
In general, coronaviruses that cause this disease are derived from bats and civet. The disease will spread by air. But, it can also touch something that contains saliva, urine or feces sufferers.
In addition, other contacts such as hugs, kisses, eating together with sufferers touching various objects that have been touched by sufferers such as a doorknob, telephone, and elevator button can also be a medium of deployment SARS.
However, this disease can still be addressed by changes in lifestyle or treatment at home by performing the following steps:
Wash your hands thoroughly using soap and running water. It can also use alcohol-based soap such as hand sanitizer.
Cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing.
Use masks, sunglasses, and gloves when you want to contact SARS people.
Avoid sustainable contact activities such as eating, drinking, using towels, or sleeping mattresses with anyone who is sick.
Follow the instructions during the healing process until it completely disappears.
Medication as recommended by the Doctor
Coronaviruses attack Anyone but the risk is greater in people with low endurance, e.g. young children and parents. Coronavirus attacks on people with weak immune systems can lead to more serious lower respiratory tract infections. Diseases caused by infections of the lower respiratory tract are pneumonia or bronchitis.
Unknown, MERS, SARS, and coronavirus Wuhan are now more commonly found in older people even though research is still continuing. Wuhan coronavirus patients are mostly over 40 years old and have not been found in children.